- A three way tower speaker in a hybrid dipole conguration using the Dayton RS225S-8 woofer in a ported configuration along with
the Vifa XG18WH09-08 in an open back/dipole configuration and the Dayton RS28A-4 tweeter.
Great soundstage and imaging but somewhat picky about recording quality. Frequency response 30Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 84dB.
- A stand-mounted 3 way speaker using the Dayton RS180S-8 7" aluminum woofer, HiVi F5 5" Kevlar/paper midbass and HiVi SD1.1-A
1" textile dome tweeter. Balanced and detailed sound, great for all types of music. Frequency response 39Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 82dB.
- A floorstanding 3 way speaker using the Dayton RS180S-8 7" aluminum woofer, GR Research M-130 coated paper midbass and Vifa XT19TD00-04
3/4" fabric ring radiator tweeter. Smooth and deep sound, great for rock music. Frequency response 39Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 82dB.
Alpheus MkII
- A floorstanding 3 way speaker using the Seas L22RN4X/P 8" aluminum woofer, Peerless HDS Exclusive 830881 4" Nomex woofer and Vifa XT19TD00-04
3/4" fabric ring radiator tweeter. Replaced the original Alpheus design which used the L12. Frequency response 30Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 84dB.
Microbe SE
- Special Edition version of the Microbe design using the Seas 22TAF/G metal dome tweeter instead of the Tang Band T25-1166S fabric dome tweeter.
More analytical and detailed than the original. Frequency response 52Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 81dB.
RS180 MTM Crossover Comparison
- Six different crossover versions for an MTM design using the Dayton Reference Series RS180 woofer and RS28a tweeter based on the cabinet
for the Dr. K MTM project. Crossovers include RJB Audio 2 way, RJB Audio 2.5 way, Dr. K MTM, Modula MTM, dB and Natalie designs with an
interactive response plot display.
- 11" cube 70 watt subwoofer using the Tang Band W6-1139SC 6.5" subwoofer driver and the Dayton SA70 70 watt subwoofer plate amp.
Max output 101 dB, f3 35 Hz. Perfect for use with Microbes or Bandits.
- Bass module add on for the Asterion speaker that turns it into a three way design with a crossover frequency of 200 Hz and 2nd order slopes.
Uses the Seas L22RN4X/P 8" aluminum woofer and is essentially the same bass section as in the Alpheus design.
Speaker Stands
- A simple way to make some nice looking budget speaker stands. Cost for a pair should be under $20 and will vary according to choice of
building material.
- A compact ported fullrange speaker using a single Tang Band W4-1320SB driver. At this point this project is purely conceptual, it hasn't been
built, measured or auditioned yet. So far the design is based purely on simulation tools. Frequency response 72Hz-20kHz +/-3dB, SPL 87dB.
- A 3 way high definition dual cabinet floorstanding speaker using the Dayton RS225S-8 8" shielded aluminum woofer,
Dayton RS125S-8 5" shielded aluminum midrange and Dayton RS28A-4 1" aluminum dome tweeter. Frequency response 30Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 84dB.
-A floorstanding 3 way speaker using the Seas L22RN4X/P 8" aluminum woofer, Seas L12RCY/P 4.5" aluminum midrange and Vifa XT19TD00-04 3/4" ring radiator tweeter.
Frequency response 30Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 84dB.
- A 2 way mini-monitor using the Dayton RS125S-8 Reference Series shielded aluminum woofer and the Tangband T25-1166S 1" neodymium
fabric dome tweeter. Frequency response 50Hz-20kHz +/-3dB, SPL 81dB.
- A 2 way fullrange speaker using the Adire Audio Extremis 6.8 woofer and Seas 27TDFC (H1189) tweeter. Frequency response 32Hz-20kHz +/-2dB,
SPL 80dB.
- A 2 way bookshelf speaker using the Seas CB17RCY/P (H571) woofer and Seas 27TDFC (H1189) tweeter. Frequency response 50Hz-20kHz +/-2dB,
SPL 85dB.
- A small 2 way bookshelf speaker using the Seas CA15RLY (H1216) woofer and Seas 27TDFC (H1189) tweeter. Frequency response 46Hz-20kHz +/-3dB,
SPL 84dB.
- A large 2-way bookshelf speaker using the Vifa XT18WH woofer and the Hiquphon OW1 tweeter. Frequency response 40Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 84dB.
- Powered subwoofer/speaker stand using the Peerless 10" CSC-X woofer (850146) and Parts Express 250W plate amp w/bass boost.
Frequency response 35Hz-150Hz +0/-3dB.
- A small 2-way bookshelf speaker with a Peerless HDS woofer and a Hiquphon OW1 tweeter. Frequency response 50Hz-20kHz +/-2dB, SPL 85dB.
- A compact bookshelf speaker using Seas aluminum drivers with a 2nd order series crossover. Frequency response 44Hz-20kHz +/-2dB. SPL 85dB.
Proteus jr.
- A 2.5 way MTM design using the Seas CB17RCY/P (H571) and Seas 27TFFC (H881) drivers. Frequency response 45Hz-20kHz +/-2dB. SPL 90dB.